Strong value chains with Fihariana

In the Madagascar Emergence Plan aligned with Velirano N ° 7, which was initiated by HE President of the Republic Andry Rajoelina, regional industrialization has been defined as a pillar of emergence. Providing quality raw materials to industries is therefore one of the priorities to enable them to produce to international standards. With this in mind, Fihariana identifies the weak links in the value chains around these industries in order to strengthen their capacities, so that they provide the required quality and quantity. Fihariana offers producers and farmers financing and training for a return that meets the standards of the national, regional, and international markets.
The program supports producers working in the sectors of fruits and vegetables, agriculture and animal feed, corn, and milk . This collaboration allows producers and growers to benefit from support in terms of entrepreneurship and agricultural techniques. The full support offered by Fihariana is also through facilitating access to outlets for producers. This is how several collaborations have been developed with companies such as Socolait, Lecofruit, BOVIMA, Agrival, Imperial Tobacco, LFL, MPE, and Sahanala.